Add name to 'Names List 1944 - 1946'


To add your name (or a relatives name) to the 'Names List 1944 - 1946' of HMS. Vengeance (First Commissions) please complete ALL parts on the form and click on the 'Submit Names List Form' button.

Please Note: This form is specifically for former HMS. Vengeance Personnel ONLY.  Please do not add details of other Commissions or previous ships as random checks are completed. 

To assist you in completing the Form, the 'Details' need to consist of the following:  Surname - First Name - Nickname - Service Number - Rank - Branch - Served From - Served To - Boarded In - Disembarked At - Now Residing In (if applicable).

Thank you for your Submission

The details you provided are for the 'Names List' purposes ONLY and are not passed to any third parties